This is an image of a pupil doing a maths exercise

Home School Agreement

Our Mission Statement states that “parents … are the centre of a child’s life”. 

We know that in order for our children to flourish and be successful, home and school need to work in close partnership.  The child always needs to remain at the heart of this.  Through this we can help every child to reach their potential.

For us in school, this starts with us setting high aspirations of what and how we want the school to be.  We hold ourselves to these in all we do.  We strive to build effective partnerships with families through good communication, about what we as a school are doing and about how your child is doing.

The support of parents and families has a crucial role to play in a child’s success in school.  By enabling your child to respect and value both education in general and our school in particular, through ensuring that they are wearing the correct uniform, have the equipment they need, are punctual, have high attendance, all help a child to be ready to learn in school.

Children also have their part to play in this partnership, and we have high expectations of their behaviour and attitude within school.  By maintaining these it means that children can contribute positively to our community and achieve all they can academically.

Our Home-School Agreement details how we can all work together to achieve the best outcomes for our children.


Home school agreement  
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