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Summer Class
Dilligence Communication Problem-Solving Teamwork Learning Resilience
Welcome to Summer Class
Welcome to year 3/4 at Keevil School. Here you will find some of the exciting things we are up foing in class. ass as well as our achievements and successes. Please see our Termly Parent overview that shares what we will be covering in class over the relevant term.
Summer Class Staff
Class Teacher: Miss Jade Ashdown
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Clare Ritchens (Wed-Fri)
Reading & Book Change
The children are encouraged to read the books they choose at school regularly. It would be most helpful if you can take time to read with them every week (3 times a week minimum) and record your comments in their reading record. When they are familiar with the book they should change it for a new one. Our book change day is on Monday. We ask the children to do this independently.
Times Table Rockstars
By the end of Y4 children are expected to know their timestables up to 12. We teach them daily in school and regularly run tournaments using TT Rockstars. Children can practise using the link here:
Click here to access the maths playground
https://ttrockstars.com/ Click here to access TT Rockstars