Inter-house competitions

Term 5&6 2023/24

A huge congratulations to Buzzards who have earned the most house points in term 5&6 and therefore earning the House Cup. Well done for great learning, effort, politeness, interhouse competitions, Sport Days...the list goes on.  

Term 1 2023/24

Wow what a turn out for this term’s Inter-House Competition.

We had a record number of entries and loved seeing the variety of different ideas and creativity. In total 28/35 KS1 children entered and 27/56 KS2 children.. amazing! 

The house points for competition entries are:

Ospreys: 55  Kestrels: 85  Buzzards: 75  Harriers: 60

After a tough decision deciding on winners we are pleased to announce:

KS1 1st: Lottie 

KS1 2nd: Jan 

KS1 3rd: Libby 

KS2 1st: Edward

KS2 2nd: Dottie 

KS2 3rd: Niamh 

The total house points for the competition are:

Ospreys: 105  Kestrels: 155  Buzzards: 105  Harriers: 110 

Well done and thank you for getting involved! 

Miss Mortimer